Aroma (Water Phase)
Cells (Aseptic)
Extract (Fruit, Seed)
Juice (SS)
Juice Concentrate (Clarified)
Pulp (Aseptic)

Grapefruit comes in many varieties determinable by color, which is caused by the pigmentation of the fruit in respect of both its state of ripeness and genetic bent. The most popular varieties cultivated today are red, white, and pink hues, referring to the color of the pulp within. The family of flavors range from highly acidic and somewhat bitter to sweet and tart.
Grapefruit is an excellent source of many nutrients and Phytochemicals for a healthy diet. Grapefruit is a good source of Vitamin C, Pectin Fiber, and the pink and red hues contain the beneficial Antioxidant - Lycopene. Studies have shown that Grapefruit helps lower Cholesterol and there is evidence that the seeds have low levels of Antioxidant properties.
Grapefruit forms a core part of the "Grapefruit Diet", the theory being that the fruit's Low Glycemic Index is able to help the body's metabolism burn fat.