Juice (Ultrafiltered, Single Strength)
Juice Concentrate (Clarified)
Pulp (Aseptic, Single Strength)
Powder (Freeze Dried, Granulated, Extract, Spray Dried, High Solid)
Puree (Aseptic)
Puree Concentrate
Whole Fruit (Integral)

The fruit that has 80 times more Vitamin C than the orange, no wonder that Acerola is so sour but with a distinguished flavor and aroma. The Vitamin C content can reach up to 4000mg per 100g of the fresh fruit, but averages around 1500 mg. Immature fruits have twice the Vitamin C level of mature fruits.
Fruits are round to oblate, cherry-like but with 3 lobes. They are bright red (rarely yellow-orange) with thin skin, thus easily bruised. The pulp is juicy, acid to sub-acid occasionally nearly sweet, with a delicate flavor and slight apple note.